Sunday 20 November 2016


  Dare of the day - TAKE YOURSELF ON A DATE

You must have read in your 6th or 7th class ... or may be 8th ( oops! ) " Government of the people, by the people, for the people". Let's make one beautiful law for yourself too for the very day when you wanna be YOU, which may states " I'm working on ME by ME for ME "

Take a shower wash away the bad thoughts, cleanse your body, put on some music, feel like a rockstar hold your shower pipe and sing and rock the world. Wear your bathrobe. Massage your body with scented cream. Dance the way you love. Face the mirrors call yourself handsome or beautiful!!

You are beautiful both inside and out. And you deserve to feel that every single day!!

I always feel that if you're gonna be uncomfortable and unhappy in something just because you think it's in or its chic. I would advice you to be happy rather than well dressed. It's better to be happy. Real style is never right or wrong, it's a matter of being yourself on purpose.

CINDERELLA never asked for a prince. She just asked for a night off and a dress.

Dress yourself BEST ( to impress yourself) . Wear your favourite perfume.

CINDERELLA is the proof that a pair of shoes can change your life.👠👟
Enhance your feet with foot massage and put your sexy shoe!!

At least for one day ,go on a DATE WITH MYSELF and reward myself with something better- may be A Spa ; may be a A Cup Of Coffee; may be a Shopping day; may a Long Drive; or may be just a Relaxing Sleep in warm socks!!!

Throw out that monstrous thought of Being Alone! Their is no shame in solitude.  Spending time alone (with myself) doesn't necessarily mean  you're 'depressing' or you don't want to socialize or shut people out of your life. But It is a good way to reflect on your past, evaluate things or maybe just take some time out for yourself to love yourself to pamper yourself to discover yourself and feel and hug your happy existence.

( I didn't mean to interrupt your scrolling, I just wanted to say you're beautiful, love yourself too , being in love with yourself is not being selfish )
The greatest gift you can give yourself is a lil bit of your own attention. The way you treat yourself sets the standards for others.

Imagine the day when you'll not care about whether the world will judge you as selfish person or self obsessed person. Even while being in a relationship you'll realize that loving your partner is important but loving yourself is important too. And your status ping up to everyone else - sleeping diagonally on my fluffy bed; pampering myself; in love with myself; having a great time with myself; Discovering myself; Finding 'ME' ; blah blah blah and blah!! 💞

Sunday 26 June 2016

'Sex' n 'rape'

It can’t be sex when you think the guy will marry you; and rape when it becomes clear that he won’t. If, like many women, you equate sex with marriage, then for God’s sake, keep it off the table until you are married (and in a legally-binding ceremony, not some faux exchange of garlands or rings, or by the tying of a mangalsutra). And if you can’t do that, then take some responsibility for your decision instead of playing the victim and crying rape.
Not just because this is something we expect of grown-up women with minds, hearts and brains of their own but also because this propensity to cry rape when no rape has occurred is a slap in the face of every woman who has ever had to face real sexual violence in her life. Every time a woman levels such a frivolous charge of rape, it makes it that much more difficult for actual rape victims to be taken seriously.
But if you are sleeping with someone in the hope of profiting from the act, then the fact that you don’t actually profit doesn’t turn you into a victim, let alone a rape victim.
If you choose sex as a transactional tool to get ahead in the world then you have to be prepared for both good and bad outcomes. And if you end up with a bad case of ‘seller’s remorse’ that doesn’t mean that all your previous consensual sexual encounters must be re-categorized as ‘rape’. It simply does not work like that.
No doubt, There must be thousands of cases in which men have been falsely accused of rape and have no option but to struggle through our complex and slow legal system to prove their innocence.
Which is why I feel that this is as good a time as any to codify all those instances when a rape is not a rape. Breaking up with a long-time boyfriend? No, your sex life cannot be re-categorized as rape. Sleeping with someone with a view to profit in some way? If you don’t succeed, the sex doesn’t turn into rape. The man you slept with refuses to marry you? Still not rape.
Each time we cry ‘rape’ when a relationship goes wrong, we insult the real victims of sexual violence. And in recasting our sexual experiences as something they are not, we let down our own sex.
(source: goswami)

Sunday 1 May 2016

My personality does not depend on the length of my skirt or on my cleavage! This is not an invitation to rape me!!

Girl, it’s not about the length of your skirt – so tell them you can decide for yourself, like really!

Growing up as a girl in India is a challenge in itself. You are made to feel like it’s all your fault. One, for being born as a girl – like you had a say! Then, for wanting the same things as your brother does – like you are a different being with a less than full human status.

Next, for growing up as a human with two breasts (yes, you read it right) visible for most parts no matter what you wear. It’s also your fault that you get periods – you are impure at those times. Not to mention that if you are pretty and there are men who hit on you, it’s because you are ‘inviting’, ‘dressing slutty’, ‘acting like a whore’, so on and so forth.

You are supposed to look up to women who look nerdy, act nerdy, and are nerdy. Anything other than nerdy, even slightly less than full nerdy, can mean ‘tumhe hawa lag gayi hai’. Basically as a girl, you are responsible in some way or the other for whatever wrong that happens to you. You have to be protected from all the evil forces out there. You are far too delicate.

And if you think you are not, then you are characterless. Your boldness, your expression of freedom or choice are all to come with limitations, the boundaries of which will always be defined by the multitudes around you. You have to be ‘kept under control’ at all times.

If you have a set of parents who have brought you up ‘like a son’, then God bless them, because one day they will see what a terrible mistake they have made. If you have done well at school, and at college, you then have to prove yourself in marriage and then as a mother. The tests never stop.

Before you know, you are running a family, but you still can’t decide the length of your skirt or the cut of your blouse. There is always ‘expert opinion’ that you have to abide by. You can choose to ignore it only at your own peril. Winning the tag of a ‘bitch’, a ‘slut’, a ‘whore’ is never too far – no matter where you have reached in life.

Sober reflection tells you that maybe ‘it’s not about the length of your skirt’. Maybe it’s about the fear of men not being able to control their own lustful thoughts. Maybe it’s about the government not being able to guarantee your protection. Maybe it’s about your parents not being able to deal with the never ceasing ‘log kya kahenge’. Maybe it’s about us all as a society, what we have made of ourselves, how scared we are. May be it’s not about you girl.

What do you do then? You should get up, where ever you are, to show in your own way that society is concerned about the wrong things. The people around you are focusing on the wrong things. Tell them that it is not about the length of your skirt.

Tell them to be concerned not about the length of your skirt, but the quality of education that they are providing you. Tell them to be concerned not with how much you mingle with boys, but the equality of opportunity that they can secure for you. Tell them not to be concerned with who you are making love to, but whether or not anyone is capable of loving in this society anymore.

Tell them that great institutions are not judged by the decorum of dress but the strength of character. Tell them that character comes not from the dress but from deeply held beliefs. Tell them that judging your beliefs by your dress shows how far they are capable of looking.

Tell them to look beyond your skirts.

Tell them to let you be.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Turning deaf ears to my scream

Walking alone
Walking with someone
Nw it make no difference
As I remain me in both situation
Being me is not actually being me
It's being a me which I never was or is
Neglecting my own respect make me feel more selfless hopeless
Neglecting my relations make me feel lifeless
Hearing nothing but my thoughts with deaf ears

Saturday 9 April 2016

The safety don't"s"

Be nice. Don't be loud. Don’t be stubborn. Don’t argue. Be modest. Be respectful. Don’t speak out. Be a good wife. Be a good daughter. Be a good sister. Stay virgin,don't call it vagina.Don't call it pads,M C is ugly! Walk straight, Uphold the family honour.
Huhh!! Stop m more than just a girl! M human body just like a man!
But yet We are subjected to a vast set of rules simply because the world thinks that the 'fairer sex is born weaker.'
Don't U think staring is natural for men and women both.  So we
need to cover up to help men to not stare at us. Wear proper clothes- risk of being groped.An extra layer might lower chances of getting stared at, but being groped doesn't stop even at burkhas.
Once she turns 21, getting a girl married becomes her family's top priority. Parents, relatives and even their friends eagerly undertake a mission to find the perfect match.During this search, we are 'advertised' on the basis of our physical attributes like our complexion and features and not our educational qualifications.As if being judged by our bodies wasn't enough, we even need to make a payment in the form of dowry to get men to marry us.
Ahhh stop labelling me-All our lives we have been objectified. To our parents, we’re their 'paraaya dhan.' To our boyfriends, we’re their 'chicks.' To a lech, we’re 'maal' and some families even call us 'bojh' or burden.
 When a girl talks about making her own choices, they are always presumed to be about smoking, drinking or having sex. Give us a break, there's more to life than that
If we are one of those girls who smoke, drink and are sexually active, we are by default 'available' and 'asking for it.'
Really dude!
Ahaaan its my own life!!
Stay out of it!